
Made for sun shading dealers

Blueprint is the software solution that suits your needs and preferences, because it was made for and together with sun shading dealers. We have the experience and affiliation to know what you want and need, and what challenges you face. We don’t add unnecessary functionalities, we only add what you really use. We also keep developing new features based on your feedback and market needs. With Blueprint, you get a simple, powerful and tailored solution for your business.

We also offer seamless integration with your existing processes, ensuring a smooth transition. Whether you’re a seasoned dealer or new to the industry, our software simplifies your workflow and enhances customer experiences.

Supplier system


Supplier system integration

With Blueprint, you can order directly from the supplier through our system, without any double inputs or manual emails. You can also track your orders in real time, thanks to our integration with our partner suppliers. You can manage your own personal prices in our dealer admin panel, where you can generate your own price lists based on the suppliers’ default prices with one click. You will always have the latest information and prices from the suppliers, and you will only be able to configure what’s actually possible to order. With Blueprint, you can enjoy a seamless and hassle-free ordering process with the suppliers.

Sun shadings
affiliation & experience


Sun shadings affiliation & experience

We are not just software developers, we are also sun shading experts. Many of our people have years of experience working in or with the sun shading industry, and we have a close affiliation with the sun shading market. We know what you want and need from an ERP system, and we also know the challenges you face. For example, we know how to optimise your ordering process with the suppliers and how to impress your customers with a modern and professional showroom. Unlike other software products, Blueprint is made by developers for sun shading dealers, not for developers. User-friendliness is our main goal. We also keep analysing the market and developing new features that you would like to have. We are always improving our product, now and in the future.

Made for and together with
sun shading dealers


Made for and together with sun shading dealers

Blueprint is not just a product, it’s a solution. It was born from an initiative from the market itself, as there was no good software solution for sun shading dealers. We did extensive market research before we started developing, to find out what dealers want and don’t want in a software product. We mapped out the business processes of many dealerships, to make sure Blueprint follows the ideal flow and covers all aspects of the business. We also tested and validated our product at different dealerships, and asked for their feedback throughout the development process. We used a dynamic way of development, that allowed us to change and update the product based on the market needs.

No unnecessary functions


No unnecessary functions

Blueprint is a simple and powerful software solution. We don’t add features just for the sake of it, we only add what you really need and use. We carefully think about what will make your work easier and more efficient, and not create unnecessary complexity. This makes our solution amazingly user-friendly. Blueprint is also a tailored solution for a specific target group: the sun shading dealer market. We only added functionalities that are useful for this group, and nothing else. Unlike other products that are developed for all kinds of users, where you have a product full of functionalities you will never use, or that don’t fit your company’s needs. With Blueprint, you get a product that is made for you and your business.

We develop features you need


We Develop Features You Need

Our development is an ongoing process. We love to hear your feedback to make our product more valuable to you. Your feedback not only benefits you, but also helps us make the best product possible. We have a vision for the future of our product, but we are also flexible and open to include different features and even change our schedule based on your needs. Let us know what you think of our product. What you like, what you don’t like, what you would like to have in the future. You can contact us anytime, by phone, email or meeting. We would love to see your showroom and see how our product works in your company, or we can also have a look online. We also invite you to take a look at our roadmap to stay up to date with the features you can expect in the future.